Tuesday, February 28, 2017

One day.

One day is a phase used around my house a lot. It's like a dream. One day bills will be easier to make. They are. One day we will go on vacation. One day we will travel. One day we will be healthier. One day. All of our one days take planning and hard work. One day Shane wanted to be a lawyer. One day we will go on a honeymoon. One day is taking work. I want to be more fit. I want one day to come. One day Shane won't have to rely on pills to keep his sugar regulated. One day I will run a 5K. One day my knees won't hurt everytime I workout. I plan to live healthier so one day will be awesome. It's all about one day and prayers for those one days.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Keep trying

Today it was brought to my attention how I did plank/jacks yesterday. And, how I couldn't at the beginning. And, some people when faced with that would quit. Oh I wanted to. But, my conversation with God was I am going to do what I can do and just keep moving. So, that's what I'm doing. There are still things my body won't let me do yet. I keep trying. One day I will. I can't wish it so.  I have to keep working at it. And keep praying. That's it today.

Saturday, February 18, 2017


Today was nice. Only had one kid clothes shopping. I was in need of more workout clothes. Good news JC Pennys carries extended sizes. And, on sale they where. $2 I am a shopper. I did enjoy shopping a size smaller and everything fit. Even two sizes smaller fit. Only came home with what I needed right now. The only child I took was my tiny girl. We have all kinds of issues getting clothes to fit her. I was so happy to get a swimsuit that fit her tiny longer frame. Me on the other hand. I am not looking forward to swimsuit shopping but, need to keep my confidence up for an example to my girls. Have to love this body God gave me. Hope everyone enjoys their day.

Friday, February 17, 2017


Today I'm feeling great. Made all 5 days this week and put in some miles. I know my title. What's up with that? Well, today I am really thankful I had it done. I remember how bad it was before. It would keep me from wanting to move let alone go to the gym and get sore. It's a big relief to not have to worry about pregnancy as well. I think Benny helped me with this decision. I did not want to go through that again. Even though I did enjoy my pregnancy with him. The heart break that came is something I didn't want to go through again. I'm really looking forward to this summer with the kids and more energy. Who would have thought I could change some eating habits get rid of an organ, workout and be so happy. Well, happy today. Gotta keep moving.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

It's just Thursday

Well, it is. For me that's laundry day. It's also menu and shopping day. I think I might take this task a little more seriously now than I did before. You see it's what keeps my diet going. I choose the fuel for my family most of them like it. One resist a lot. So, there's a lot of prayer that happens today. That good choices are made. Don't go buy the candy that's really cheap. It does save money and calories when we ate at home. Did do a "family style buffett" dinner last night. That would be way splurge. Hushpuppies when your hungry because you skipped breakfast just a bad idea. Time to get back up and keep going. Slipping up isn't the end of the world. Call it out and move on. So, here we go. Still at the gym. Still with the water. Still trying to limit sugar and carbs.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Just a crapy day

Been on an emotional roller coaster. By the way that sucks. Knees hurt so elipitial was way slower then I wanted. Did my workout. Made more prep breakfast. Been crying most of the morning. Just sucky feeling. Going to keep my ass away from the food today though. There's no real comfort there. So say a little pray if you think of it. Feeling this emotional battle today.